Well, this is a bit what it is.


Hello everyone!

I’d like to thank you for coming today. I’m so glad that there are so many people taking part into this farewell party, it really means a lot.

As we all know, ten years ago Crashing One signed the contract and started their way to the stardom. They were just a group of boys with a dream they wanted to achieve and with hard work and patience they made it happen. They have been on the top of the charts, sold millions of albums and filled arenas. And the road hasn’t always been easy, but they have made it through all the conflicts as winners.

Also I’d like to remind you that they would never had done it without the amazing fans and we owe it all to you. Our whole team is going to miss you, you are like part of the family. But we have to remember that family never brakes apart, and even if the boys do not continue recording and touring, lets not be sad. Instead let’s think about how much great things we have achieved, how many good memories we have made and how much these boys have yet to come.

Maybe there will be a day we see them together again, not just as friends, but as a band. Until that day I hope they live happily and keep on chasing their dreams.

Thank you, I wish you all good evening.