This weird house is designed by a FINNISH Matti Suuronen. The name is Futuro. Originally it was built for a ski cabin or holiday cottage. Actually one friend of Matti Suuronen wanted that Suuronen designed a ski cabin for him. Futuro’s weight is 4000 kilos, and eight people can be within at the same time.

In my opinion the house is really terrible!! It looks so small and so narrow. I don’t want never ever the house like Futuro is, even if it is just a cottage.. In some way Futuro can looks like funny or something, but I spite it! Maybe it is useful summer cottage, but how people can relax if you don’t have enough air to breath?!? Very distressing.. I don’t like anything about this house, I think that it is just a nice joke!
Very childish building, what a UFO!!

I was amazed when I noticed that this house was designed by Finnish guy! I didn’t know it at first. Btw you can see this ugly house alive in a Espoo’s Weegee museo, wow!;91555;94326