I read the story of Happy Endings and part C about the story. The Story was written by Margaret Atwood and the story tells about John and Mary and their love. The whole story has 6 different parts. And each part has a totally different story, although the beginning is the same.

John is older man who is fall in love with Mary who is only 20-years-old. They have a relationship even if Mary doesn’t really like about John. Sadly Mary is in love with James, who is the same age than Mary, and “wild and free” with his motorcycle. John has a wife, two children and own house.. He was completely different than James. John is jealous about James, although he wouldn’t want to be. And one day, he saw Mary and John together, and it was too much for him. He was tired of himself, and his middle-age… He bought a gun and shot Mary, James, and finally also himself…

Analysis about John:

John was a major part of this story. John seemed very calm and middle-age “bald as an egg” as he told about himself. Although he was maybe a calm guy, he had always got used get what he wants. He was also resentful because he was a middle-aged neither a young nor handsome like James was. John wanted to be faithful to his wife Madge, even if his heart said something else.. This story is a pretty classical love story, which is associated with “third wheel”..

This last blog task was a quite difficult.. 😦